Service Discovery for Multi Domain Operations based on adoption of Linked Data and Open Web Standards

Abstract We outline a vision for decentralized discovery and orchestration of verifiably trustable services to support Multi Do- main Operations operating on fragmented tactical edge networks. Our proposal is based on the adoption of lightweight standardised data models and protocols emerging from hypermedia research, which has demonstrated success in using combinations of Linked Data, Web of Things (WoT) and semantic technologies to provide mechanisms for autonomous goal-directed agents to discover, execute and reuse new heterogeneous resources and behaviours in large-scale, dynamic environments. Linked Data documents and semantic vocabularies can build SPARQL service descriptions, which provide a self-describing mechanism capable of learn- ing key features of services based on prior usage. Providing additional support for Verifiable Credentials (VCs) will enable coalition peers to securely share information about prior service usage, for example to assert that a particular model was effective at classifying tanks. VC proofs can be used in a decentralized way, are cryptographically secure and tamperproof, providing a trust-based framework for ratifying services. Integrating VCs with existing VSA workflow research can provide an enhanced semantic space for service discovery e.g. a search for services able to classify tanks could find services with proven results for LAV vehicles, because their semantic assertions match.
  • Iain Barclay (Cardiff)
  • Chris Simpkin (Cardiff)
  • Graham Bent (Cardiff)
  • Tom la Porta (PSU)
  • Declan Millar (IBM UK)
Date Sep-2020
Venue 4th Annual Fall Meeting of the DAIS ITA, 2020