DAIS-ITA Experimentation Environment and Scenario

Abstract We provide a description and overview of the DAIS- ITA experimentation environment with accompanying scenario. The experimentation environment is based on a 3 dimensional virtual world similar to that found in modern computer games that are being applied to virtual military training and simulation. We provide a variety of options for displaying, moving and interacting with military (and other) objects within the world. Our focus for these interactions is interactivity, either manual or programmatic, such that DAIS research, experiments, sim- ulations and demonstrations can be modelled within the world. There is an interface, based upon the MQTT messaging protocol, that allows input to and output from the world. The world we have created is located at Kristiansand in Norway in order to dovetail with the NATO Anglova military scenario. We are able to use and extend the Anglova scenario and it's experimentation data within the 3d world for conducting DAIS work across both technical areas and all projects/tasks.
  • Graham White (IBM UK)
  • Dave Conway-Jones (IBM UK)
  • Kevin Chan (ARL)
  • Alun Preece (Cardiff)
  • James Harryman (Dstl)
  • Matthew Cox (Dstl)
Date Sep-2020
Venue 4th Annual Fall Meeting of the DAIS ITA, 2020