Dynamic competitive opinion control: theory, simulations, and experiments

Abstract Opinion control, i.e., the study of strategically influencing agents on social networks with the aim to align their opinions, behaviours, or choices with certain targets, has been extensively studied in competitive and non-competitive scenarios, mostly via variants of models based on the seminal independent cascade model [1]. However, these models may not be appropriate in situations in which agents are subject to various sources of social influence, and decisions can be changed over time. The voter model, by allowing agents to repeatedly change their opinion, provides a more accurate description of the underlying opinion dynamics mechanism, but, although recent work has started to address the problem of opinion control in the voter model [2], to the best of our knowledge these studies focussed on static control and have rarely addressed competition among multiple parties.
  • Markus Brede (Southampton)
  • Alberto Antonioni (UCL)
  • Soheil Eshghi (Yale)
  • Valerio Restocchi (Southampton)
  • Sebastian Stein (Southampton)
Date Sep-2018
Venue Computational Social Science: from socio-physics to data-driven research on social complexity