Decentralized Microservice Workflows for Coalition Environments

Abstract The workflow methodology provides a robust means of describing applications consisting of control and data dependencies along with the logical reasoning necessary for distributed execution. For wired networks, there have been a wide variety of successful workflow systems available for researchers to design, test and run scientific workflows [17], [6], [1], [12], [4], [14], [10], [3], [7], [2]. Similarly, in the business domain, the Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC) [19] has delivered standards to a vast number of business workflow systems for over twenty years. It is important to note that these workflows require centralized management, thus applying such in dynamic coalition network environments raises several technical challenges, for example: (a) variable network connectivity associated with mobile endpoints (e.g., unmanned autonomous systems); (b) high latency and cost associated with communication (e.g., satellite); and (c) poor infrastructure, especially absent back-end connectivity .
  • Chris Simpkin (Cardiff)
  • Ian Taylor (Cardiff)
  • Graham Bent (IBM UK)
  • Geeth de Mel (IBM UK)
  • Swati Rallapalli (IBM US)
Date Aug-2017
Venue International Workshop on Distributed Analytics Infrastructure and algorithms for multi organization federations