Cogni-sketch is an experimental environment to explore human-agent teaming in rapidly formed situations, where the agents must come together to solve problems and achieve situational understanding. It embodies the concept of Human-Agent Knowledge Fusion (HAKF) through tellability (knowledge creation) and explainability (for rapid trust calibration or knowledge sharing).
Cogni-sketch features in the following achievements:
- Enabling rapidly formed human-agent coalition teams through extensible information exchange
- Adapting AI systems to recognise new patterns of distributed activity
- AI based Analysis of Terrorism Events
A number of publications specifically relating to the Cogni-sketch has been created:
- Braines, Dave, Federico Cerutti, Marc Roig Vilamala, Mani Srivastava, Lance Kaplan Alun Preece, and Gavin Pearson. “Towards human-agent knowledge fusion (HAKF) in support of distributed coalition teams.” AAAI Fall Symposium Series, Government and Public Sector (2020).
- Braines, Dave, Jane Stockdill‐Mander, and Eunjin Lee. “The Science Library: Curation and visualization of a science gateway repository.” Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (2020): e6100.
- Braines, D., Preece, A. Roberts, C., & Blasch, E. (2021). “Supporting Agile User Fusion Analytics through Human-Agent Knowledge Fusion” in press The Cogni-Sketch tool has also been released as Open Source